Services you may receive...

Services you may receive…

Job analysis and pre-selection of potential candidates

From the job list of the position to be filled, the supervision and coaching offered as well as the characteristics of your work environment, we present you candidates meeting your requirements and interested in the job.

Individual coaching of the employee

Depending on your needs and those of the person you are hiring, an inclusion counselor can provide employees with task learning support and work routine development.
The inclusion counselor can also assess the need for task development or workplace adaptation.
If your employee encounters obstacles during work, the inclusion counsellor is here to help you find solutions.

Assessment of the need for countervailing measures (financial assistance)

Advisors from Action main-d'oeuvre inc. can provide information on countervailing measures available and, if necessary, give you access to them.

Staff awareness and supervisor training

Raising awareness among all your employees involved in integrating an autistic person or a person having an intellectual limitation is the key to success. Counselors from Action main-d'oeuvre inc. are always available and can give you information on the specific characteristics and needs of autistic persons or persons having an intellectual limitation and provide you with tips in order to ease their inclusion and develop their productivity.

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