Why hire a person with Intellectual limitation or on an Autism Spectrum?

By hiring a participant in Action main-d’œuvre inc., you will meet someone who is motivated to work. You will discover someone who, despite his/her particular characteristics, will develop his/her productivity like any other employee. You will also find that this person will demonstrate a great commitment to your business and the work he/she will have to accomplish.

Your role as an employer will be the same as with all your employees. You will have to consider people's strengths, recognize their skills, provide them with the necessary supervision and coaching and evaluate their performance. Advisors from Action main-d'oeuvre inc. will support you in your role by helping you understand a person in his or her performance and needs. In addition, if adjustments or countervailing measures are necessary to help people develop their productivity, counselors will help you have access to them and use them.

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